Computes the p-value of a multivariate dataset, which informs the user if the sample is exchangeable at a given significance level, while simultaneously accounting for feature dependencies. See Aw, Spence and Song (2021) for details.
distDataPValue(dist_list, largeP = FALSE, nruns = 1000, type = "unbiased")
The list of distances.
Boolean indicating whether to use large P asymptotics. Default is FALSE.
Resampling number for exact test. Default is 1000.
Either an unbiased estimate of (`'unbiased'`, default), or valid, but biased estimate of, (`'valid'`) p-value (see Hemerik and Goeman, 2018), or both (`'both'`). Default is `'unbiased'`.
The p-value to be used to test the null hypothesis of exchangeability.
This version takes in a list of distance matrices recording pairwise distances between individuals across B independent features.
Dependencies: distDataLargeP and distDataPermute from auxiliary.R